Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Back from the trip - still on the Journey

Summation. The journey is physically over, but the ripple effects are still moving on. Leaving Israel was hard, but I am so convinced that I will be back - it was almost a "see ya later" type of feel instead of a "when will I see you again?" feeling.

My last day there was spent simply Being. Breathing the sweet, warm air. Hanging out with sis, packing. Breakfast with a friend. Sitting in the sun on the porch, absorbing the warmth, the smells, sounds and view.

I found out that my ex is remarried - that made me laugh...seriously. It took my by surprise and I didnt believe it at first, but it was confirmed by an over-protective and duly apologetic sister who was trying to protect me from some major wiggage that did not manifest itself.... i dont know what she was worried about, the whole concept is so funny to me, i chuckle every time i think about it.

So - I amend my closure post - closure is funny:)

Coming back to the US was kind of sad and a little bit of an adjustment. Even though I was only gone for 2 weeks, I had so completely and confortably clicked right back into the pace there, and the culture, that coming back was a little bit of a jolt.

No more milk in plastic bags (seriously, there are no containers) and no more free incoming calls on cellphones.

I am already homesick again, but I feel such a sense of tranquility and serenity in the fiber of my being that I will return, and it will be at the exact right time. In the meantime, I will have to organize my life here to compensate for that ultimate goal, and figure out what really needs to be done to facilitate it.

I loved connecting with my friends, favorite places and memories.

This trip was transcendent and wonderful.

I am at peace.

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