Friday, August 11, 2006

All About Wicked - NO SPOILERS

Last night was Tremendous, and Powerful and Magickal and..... just... Wicked.

The show was good too.

HA! Actually the show was AWESOME - the music, sets, everything. The dialog was often funny, with hidden double meanings for those who are familiar with the "Wizard of Oz" - and lets face it, who isnt? Except maybe Bin Ladin... and who cares about him?!

The night was stormy and tempestuous and we had to struggle to get to the theater, but the driving rain and lightening were exhilarating and the excitement of the show I have wanted to see FOREVER was making the whole night tremendously electric.

And who knows more about electric than Times Square? Even in torrential rain. It was magnificent.

I'm gonna go again. I have to. I recommend that everyone in the world go at least once...please? You'll thank me for it!

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