Friday, April 13, 2007

Engineer on Deck 5!!

Chewy and I have been configuring our new apartment.

Ok, that sentence actually makes us sound more productive than we are. Let's try that again.

Chewy and I have managed to dump 80% of my stuff, and 50% of his stuff into our new (smallish) living space, and I've unpacked 3/4 of said 80% of stuff, and the rest are in creatively decorative piles all over the Frelling place.

Our kitchen is less than a galley kitchen, and about the size of your butler's broom closet. It's narrow and has some weird walls popping out of nowhere. The Realtor had asked us if we wanted cabinets or a counter top on one wall, and we opted for the cabinets... so they installed the counter top (really high, too, like almost lower rib height instead of comfortable belly height). After I called the managing agent, she ordered some cabinets, which were finally installed today. Yay!

Yay? No.

I went to go see them, and they are pathetic. Because the countertop was put so high, the cabinets are about 1/2 foot off the ground. And they are so shallow, that we won't be able to put any silverware in them, or store things in the less than 1 foot deep cabinets, which were the cause of so much headache.

Gack! There is not enough storage space for normal things, like pots and pans, in that teeny kitchen, and the fridge - don't get me started. Its like the size of the dorm-room fridge I had. Maybe a few inches taller. But, maybe not.

Anyone seen an engineer? We are gonna need some creative solutions to the space issue - and that's before we even start living in each others' Space!!


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