Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In Love with Chewbacca

** Beware! If you don't like things that are slightly mushy, sentimental or emotive - step away from the blog... just do as I say... step away from the blog... theres nothing to see here! **

Usually, I am not the type of person to hang my private feelings out on the line for all to see (except the occasional venting session, but those aren't the feelings I was referring to.) However, it has been a LONG time since I have updated this journal. Partly from grief, partly from being busy and caught up in Wedding details... but none of that is really an excuse. I'm not even going to attempt to backtrack a month and a half, but I will somewhat sum up by saying - I truly Love Chewbacca.

There. That says it all.

Our one year anniversary was on February 8th. It was grand, we bought steaks (THICK ones!) and Chewy barbequed them, with the secret family recipe marinade, and we invited Mom to join us in a nice candlelight dinner in the Dining Room. It was lovely. Did I mention that the day after the burglary chewy bought me a necklace so that I immediately had something to call my own? (And my sisters also decided to help the cause in replenishing my supply - and creating new memories - and sent a gorgeous necklace from Israel! - but I digress)

Speaking of the burglary - not to knock New York's Finest - but what exactly are they the finest at? Eating a dozen doughnuts in under a minute? Because their detective skills are SORELY lacking! Ok, I am off that soapbox.

We found an apartment, not too close, but not too far. It is absolutely lovely. Tall ceilings, wide windows, wooden floors, facing 2 directions so lots of sunlight.... I really loved it the first time I went in. We signed today actually, for a 2 year lease. So Yay Us!

But other things have been brewing as well, and to put it simply, we had a HUGE ARGUMENT today. I'm not embarrassed to tell you that, whoever is reading this, because the outcome of said argument was that I feel in love all over again with my sweetie. We were on the phone at work back and forth and it was getting pretty ugly.

Finally I left work at 2:30 and we met up to "talk it out" (which I was convinced was a euphemism for "get over yourself or I'm breaking the whole thing off" - yeah it was that bad) . ANYHOOO we met up and instead of perpetuating the ickyness my sweetie sat me down and calmly talked to me about his issues and concerns, which forced me to also respond calmly (I was only partially successful I have to admit in all honesty. He's a better person than me - I take longer to down-shift)

Now I am not going to pretend that I enjoyed this. No sir. But I left with a renewed, reborn feeling of Love because that whole argument and conversation brought us closer and strengthened our commitment to each other. So that was lovely.

** END OF THE MUSHY STUFF - (which wasn't so bad I think) **

Other good news - Chewbacca has accepted a new job! Yay! I am so excited for him - his whole life has been moving upwards in leaps and bounds! He is getting brilliant grades in school and now a new job!

I also have been offered a new job, which is creating major loyalty issues for me (damn my work ethic!) and I finally got the guts up to give notice (one month!) to my current location and they argued with me (lawyers!) and it became harder for me. So that is unresolved, however, I still intend to accept the new position and continue moving onwards as well in my own journey.

I know this summary is rather sparse considering the amount of time I have been silent. I apologize. It is also the first free time I have had since then, and after watching a re-run of CSI, I realized I actually had time to do ME THINGS.... imagine that!

So I came down here to say Hey. I'll try to be more communicative....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! my baby is back! It is so nice to read this.

love ya,
