Monday, December 4, 2006

Chewy's Movie Review #4 - Casino Royale

Casino Royale (2006)
It's always tricky trying to revitalize a franchise. Especially one as popular as Bond. You have to give the filmmakers credit. They take a virtual unknown in Daniel Craig and they rebuild the Bond franchise around him (I for one was never a fan of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond and was very happy to see him go). Craig is the most exciting Bond since Sean Connery. I was totally digging his character. I like this edgier Bond much more. Pierce always seemed as if he could use his obnoxious smug look on his face to get him out of anything. Well - bye bye Brosnan, Hello the New Bond! The film however was good but not great. The movie was exciting and funny at times and dragged out at others. It should have been shortened by about a half hour or so and some of the plot was sketchy. It was all in all a fun ride though and one that I would recommend.

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