Thursday, October 26, 2006

Whirling Dervishes

I love that phrase. Say it ten times, fast.

But that's really what the past few weeks have felt like. I keep thinking of tornadoes, waterspouts, hurricanes, tumbleweed.... Things that the wind whips up and makes move around at a dizzying pace and then abruptly sets down in chaos and disarrray.

Yup, that pretty much describes the past few weeks. (You know, it occurs to me that I have no idea if it has literally BEEN a few weeks or it just feels interminable that way.)

Here's the list - since I don't know that I have enough time to actually get into it all:
1) Travel to Ohio to visit a sick friend (I hate Detroit Airport!!!)
2) Endure her determined efforts to recruit me to Rabbinical School (No, I'm not interested)
3) Sick boyfriend which scares and panics me (a whole 'nother post I'm sure, to figure out the roots of that reaction to his relatively common, though painful pinched nerve)
4) Fun wedding last night where ghosts of my past manifest themselves in people at the wedding who I haven't seen or heard from in upwards of 13 years.
5) Re-discovery of another old friend popping out of the woodwork - which is cool.
6) Work sucks.
7) Have to finish making scarves to sell at Holiday Boutiques (Chanukkah)
8) Needs Assessment in Zambia - don't ask, it's like the big white elephant I am pretending I can't see in front of me.
9) One friends' break-up. One friends' miracle pregnancy (we are at 7 weeks!)
10) Wanting to go to Israel. Ireland. Zambia. Madagascar. Australia. The Moon.

I feel kind of overwhelmed actually. I havent been sleeping and so that makes me achy, tired and a little cranky, to be honest. I have some life choices I need to take care of (like finding a JOB) and I dont have the energy for it. I'd love to actually go away and relax, as opposed to the traveling I have been doing recently which is always to DO something or SEE someone. It's not over yet, Thanksgiving I have to go to Indy for a family Bar Mitzvah. And I have to leave Chewbacca behind which makes me annoyed and anxious.

I think it would be nice to breathe. Don't you?

Sometimes I look at my calendar and am amazed and appalled at how much I take on. I can't even find one stupid weekend to go away to DC to visit friends and hang out.

I think that what I really need, is a hot toddy and a good night's sleep, a calm weekend with no overbooking of activities, some hot cocoa and Chewy, hanging out in pajamas all day, and time.

Anyone willing to take bets on how much of that I can actually do?

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