Monday, April 20, 2009

Did I tell you I was pregnant?

So - yeah. We gave birth on April 4, 2009 at 11:37pm. I wonder if that is the correct term considering it was a last minute C-section, after being in contractions for 30 hours and not going anywhere.

Anyways, our daughter is a gorgeous little angel, 6 lbs and 10 oz. I know all you parents out there think, no, KNOW, your kids are gorgeous, and I am not arguing with your taste - but I have it on really good authority, besides my own and Chewbacca's, that she is beautiful, gorgeous, radiant and a perfect little human.

I didn't mention the pregnancy because it was kind of up and down for me emotionally, though there were no complications or major health issues. I really had nothing to complain about.... except being pregnant, which I wasn't entirely ready for.

That's all water under the bridge now. My daughter is the lodestone of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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