Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pesach Reconciliation

Okay. For the past couple of years I have been complaining about how much I hate Pesach (Passover) and the laundry-list of issues I face (along with upset stomach and a general feeling of malaise) leading up to this holiday. The part of it that’s a real shame is that I *love* this time of year! My favorite season is Spring, with Fall a close second. I like summer ok, but winter I can do without totally. I keep telling Chewy that we need to move to a location that’s near enough to the equator to mean no winters…

Back to Pesach. So this year, I am once again dragooned into a “family gathering” for the whole week. Last time that happened, 2 years ago, it was absolutely traumatic. I bitterly complained to my siblings, husband and laid the law down to everyone involved who would listen - which will probably be ignored - including all my requests for space and some extra booze.

Now it’s time for tactics. I have tried running away, “forgetting” that’s its Pesach, stocking up on comfort foods to get through, and feigning illness to get out of chol hamoed activities.

This year it has GOT to be different. At the very least, I need a break from the tiring exercise of getting out of spending time with The Family.

However, this year there are other variables which may be changing the situation as well. Extended family is coming, too – grandfather, aunt, uncle and cousins – more people! And this is the first Pesach that Chewy and I are married – so it also means we split meals between the families, which would mean a forced change of scenery.

Also, with nieces and nephews older and more Little People than Little Alarm Clocks, it changes the dynamics of our outings. Can you believe I am actually going to a circus?!

Dare I hope that this year we pass the tolerant mark and even hope for a “good” time?

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I am cautiously optimistic that it will be a decently enjoyable holiday.

Next issue to tackle - we have GOT to work on the food…Ugh.


Anonymous said...

Hey, "DARE" to have an awesomaceious time, it is going to be AMAZINGLY GREAT, you'll see!! Be more positive!! It's all in your attitude, and if you need more personal space (I'm not touching the booze issue) just SAY SO-"The Family" will understand!! You'll see. You make us sound like a family of Ogres...Mrs. Shrek...
But seriously, I think most of the tension around these events comes from people's expectations and lack of communication. We ALL ( I DO MEAN ALL OF US) need to work on saying how we feel, and accepting the other person's feelings, without going ballistic-we are all afraid to REALLY say how we feel, because we might hurt someone, etc, but then we just get sullen and snippity and no one knows why, and then we assume they should know why...adn then when it finally comes out (it always does in the end) the other person is miffed and of course the first response is always "why couldn't you just SAY so"...SO SO SO let's all stop this stupid pattern, go with the flow, and if we feel something, say it, and if someone says it, take it and digest it and move on. The point is to be together and ENJOY it, and may I remind you that I am travelling across the globe ALONE with 3 kids just to partake in this group torture....so it better be great!


Anonymous said...

Hey - I am SO looking forward to seeing you, globetrotter!

So far so good, and anticipating issues and getting them taken care of before they BECOME issues is also helping. I need to decide whether we are staying in my room or next door.... either way we will be overrun with yummy kids!