Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Meaning of Life

Sleep eludes me. Actually, I have been fighting a losing battle with that dream-filled state wherein your body and mind regenerate and renew. Either my sleep is haunted by nightmares and horrific dreams, or my ever restless mind wont cease its wanderings enough for me to fall into sleep.

So I end up at 12:20am blogging silly thoughts and obscure points of philosophy in an attempt to appease Morpheus, Lord of Dreams in exchange for one night's peace of mind. Maybe these thoughts that need to be heard are an offering of sorts to the Gods of the Mind in exchange for quiesence in that vast chamber located in my skull, that teems with activity at all hours, like the Grand Central Station of deliberation, contemplation and intellect.

In any case, here is another silly blog: The Meaning of Life

I have decided that I know what the meaning of life is. Although, this is my interpretation, and thus only applicable to me. Others have differing Meanings of Life, which is as it should be, because each person's life is unique to them, and it stands to reason that the Meaning of such grandiose concepts such as Life, should be individual as well.

Well, so here is what the Meaning of Life is to me: Connection

Sounds simple, no? The great things usually are. But I will explain. To me, the meaning, or purpose, of the journey of Life is to make connections. To connect to nature, beauty, people, cultures, art - things that move us, that make us want to learn, explore, experience, be better people. Things that inspire us to try, to try again, to reach out. If I were ever in a situation where I could not make a connection to someone, or something around me, I would feel cut off from the beauty, the point, the essence of Life.

It is fascinating to me to talk to people. To learn about their lives, their concerns and hopes, their passions and pain. To connect. Even though there is almost never anything i can do to make their problems go away, or change their plight, i like to feel that they walk away with a sense of being less alone in their tribulations. i believe there is always something to learn from each and every person. and if you listen hard enough, you can walk away with that lesson, and be a better person for just having that conversation with the stranger on the train.

When i am sorely troubled with my own worries and issues, i make an effort to chat people up on trains and buses, or in the coffee shop or on the street. i always find that someone makes me feel better inadvertently, though they know nothing about whats on my mind, simply because they respond in a friendly way and make me feel less alone.

Simply put, loneliness is the Antithesis of Life. Connection is the Meaning of Life.

At least, *I* think so.

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