Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New Year Resolutions

As the Jewish New Year approaches, my thoughts turn introspective… though it seems that the changing seasons play a part, as they always do, in the changes to my moods and psyche. I am sure it’s not a coincidence that when the weather begins to get cooler, breezier, and there is a new smell in the air, the smell of dormancy and the promise of colder days to come, that’s the time of year when the Jewish calendar begins again.

Many people feel that winter is the end/beginning of the year. January 1st is hailed worldwide as New Year’s Day… but to me, winter is already a quarter into the New Year. When summer ends, and those hot and sultry days start subtly becoming breezier, and those sticky airless nights become cooler, crisper and sweeter, then you know – the New Year is coming. To me, the return of the sweet, cool, playful air and wind is the renewal and rebirth of the cycle of time. It seems to me that in the stagnant and stolid heat, so much dies. But the Fall brings hope, renewal – and a promise, that at the end of the coming winter, life will be renewed and reaffirmed again. The great part is that the Fall is an honest season. If the wheel of the year symbolizes life in general, then every season represents an aspect of life, which is inevitable, and also, which will eventually pass. Fall is honest in that Winter (which is, let’s say, symbolic of hard times) will come. It is not going to tell you any falsehood about life being a beautiful meadow in the summer all the time. But, the Fall says, Hearken to me – afterwards there are 2 seasons of growth, maturity and fecundity. And so, I am enjoying both the change in weather, and the hopeful message it contains for me.

It is traditional to make New Year’s resolutions. Again, a good way to clear ones’ mind of random thoughts and cobwebs accumulated in the dormancy and sluggishness of summer. This provides, additionally, a great way to create new goals and paths for oneself in the upcoming turn of the year.

I have been maintaining a “Life List” of things I’d like to accomplish before my time on earth is over. I have managed to cross some of these goals and experiences off the list, and that is a tremendous feeling. I have a lot to be thankful for in this past year we are closing up, and much to look forward to in the year ahead.

I’d like to make a list now, condensed from my longer Life List, of things I’d like to accomplish, achieve, or explore this year, in no particular order. Bear in mind that each of these things can be an entire blog all by itself:
1) Motherhood
2) Painting class
3) Cooking class
4) Ballroom dancing
5) Get a raise/feel financially secure
6) Teach
7) Build relationships with my newly acquired family
8) Strengthen my relationship with Chewbacca
9) Find a new creative outlet
10) Direct The Scarlet Pimpernel and The Three Musketeers in community theater
11) Visit Israel
12) Travel (don’t get me started to where!)
13) Hot air ballooning
14) Learn to use my camera for real
15) Work with animals

Some of these things are extremely ambitious, and some are merely buzzwords for a whole concept that exists in my brain about it. It’s too complicated to map out in a small list, but some of these phrases unlock whole new vistas of conversation.

Mostly though, I hope that I, and you, dear reader, have a Happy and Healthy New Year.